
AJH Sports offers coaching packages to clients of all ages and skill levels. Please select the appropriate package below to learn more. Our packages all come with group, semi-private and private options to accomodate for all client needs. A single package includes 10 weeks of lessons (One hour per week), reduced entry fee into social tennis sessions and catchup group sessions for wet weather closure.

Junior Tennis Lessons

AJH Sports specialises in child sport development and will provide guidance to get your child playing tennis as soon as possible. Under Andrew Hill’s guidance our tennis coaches all have the experience to get young and new players to become consistant players. Our junior sessions are avaliable before and after school for convenience and can be used as an alternative to before or after school care.

Single Lesson10 Lesson Pack
*pricing includes 10 lessons
coaching | Coaching

Adult Tennis Lessons

Adult Tennis lessons are avaliable throughout the term. All lessons will focus on gameplay and are perfect for players of any skill level. Our lessons follow a lessons plan designed by Andrew Hill, each week focuses on a different aspect of tennis and gives players the opportunity to develop their game across the board. Our Adult sessions are avaliable thorughout the week and are a great social activity for friends.

Single Lesson10 Lesson Pack
*pricing includes 10 lessons
coaching | Coaching
coaching | Coaching

Junior Table Tennis Lessons

Junior Tennis lessons are avaliable throughout the term. All lessons will focus on gameplay and are perfect for players of any skill level. Our lessons follow a lessons plan designed by Andrew Hill, each week focuses on a different aspect of tennis and gives players the opportunity to develop their game across the board. Our Adult sessions are avaliable thorughout the week and are a great social activity for friends.

Single Lesson10 Lesson Pack
*pricing includes 10 lessons
coaching | Coaching

Adult Table Tennis Lessons

Adult Tennis lessons are avaliable throughout the term. All lessons will focus on gameplay and are perfect for players of any skill level. Our lessons follow a lessons plan designed by Andrew Hill, each week focuses on a different aspect of tennis and gives players the opportunity to develop their game across the board. Our Adult sessions are avaliable thorughout the week and are a great social activity for friends.

Single Lesson10 Lesson Pack
*pricing includes 10 lessons

Modified Sport Sessions

AJH uses the STARS Program in weekly hour long sessions for school kids in the area. These sessions are run before and after school and are a perfect alternative to before and after school care. We let the children run the session with a wide selection of sports and equiptment at their disposal. These sessions have a wet weather alternative with an indoor modified sports program..

Single Lesson10 Lesson Pack
*pricing includes 10 lessons
coaching | Coaching